Bananas covered in lights, palm trees glittering, and snow-sprayed trees in people's houses best conveys the thriving spirit of Christmas in Hawaii.

Its over. 14 classes passed. I am ready to come home to Maryland for a well deserved rest. I have neglected my body, heart, and spirit, dominated and subjugating them in chains of unimportance while exercising only my intellect for the past 6 months with school and work. The result has left me with no physical, or emotional energy with which to enjoy the result. I enter this season with an anticlimactic fizzling sputter of my last energy reserves, rather than a big celebratory bang, and with tears of body pains as my reward, and a slow release of tension I've born during this time.
This Christmas, despite taking several acupuncture periodicals and books along for light reading, my mind will be on vacation and my spirit and body will once again reassert their hold until the pendulum swings back into balance, whereby I can begin my next trimester with a resolution to never let school get in the way of my emotional, and spiritual wellbeing.
Self care has left the building. Physician, heal thyself.