I had to go to Kamuela to take my proctored Biology final today. When I turned up the lady couldn't find any of the paperwork associated with the test. Apparently she had deleted the email from my College thinking it was a virus. My deadline to take the final is on August 2nd. We had to reschedule for August 7th as the school needs to re-send her the email, wait for her to confirm, then they will snail-mail the proctor pass code. That process will take a week. I emailed them to ensure that I don't get docked any points on my final given that it will be taken past the deadline.
On the drive over I was thinking a lot about my photography and wanting to take some days to wake up before the sunrise and perch myself in some nice vistas to wait for the morning sun to bestow wonders on the land. When I went to pick up my mail at the post office, I found that the prior owner's photography magazines were there. Apparently he had not canceled his subscription! Lucky me :) Ahh the power of attraction. Think about it, and it shall appear. It was a nice little gift from the Universe to encourage me on my endeavors.
I went to open a safety deposit box at the bank so that I can store my passport, etc, since I have no home yet. I lucked out. I got the very last box in the vault! Boxes don't get freed up too often.
I decided to rain-x my car windows today. In so doing, I ended up scratching the side view mirror as I was cleaning the glass. Its my first damage to the car and I've not had it for over a week! Alas, such is life. At least I now have it insured at a lovely rate of $50 a month with Progressive.
For dinner I ate at a local sushi place. There I saw a white guy making sushi in such a perfectly skilled way. I wondered how he learned. By the time the check arrived I forgot to ask him and left. I'd love to learn to make sushi.
My school books cost me just over $500. Many of them are very detailed Chinese Medical texts which gladly we will get to reuse during our years of classes. This initial investment was certainly painful. My roommates and I are going to end up sharing the recommended books while we purchase the required books ourselves. This will help minimize on the cost.
Social Deprivation...
Its very strange to wander the streets of the city alone at night. I'm looking forward to starting school, meeting my roommates and making some friends there. The last place I went alone on a vacation was Nova Scotia. It was a very lonely experience. I longed for in-person conversations with people I knew to share my experiences with. I don't like this in-between time I've ended up creating. Its very uncomfortable. I find myself remarking to myself that I've now invested a lot of money in this - sale (at a substantial loss) of my car in Maryland, as well as my furnishings, and the acquisition of a car, a signed lease, and extremely pricey daily expenditure in gas, food, and lodging - and that I will be extremely lonely if I don't meet some regular friends here soon. The concept of "Rock Fever" is an excuse that many people use to leave the islands - stating that there simply isn't enough land for them to 'get away' to or visit. Many remark that "Rock Fever" only develops in people who have not fully integrated into the community.
I don't like returning to my hotel room at night and wondering about the unknown future - wondering how this will really be - to live on this rock in the middle of the ocean. The grip of fear of the unknown is visiting again - but I must continue to plunge forward and distract myself through reading, discovery, and soon to commence - work. I find myself tying to start conversation with the locals. Its actually been fun. I like talking with clerks at stores and at the bank.
Today I spent a great deal of time with the proctor who forgot my test. She and I had a great time just talking about the oddest things. Apparently she used to be a bartender before she became a librarian. I guess it follows as in both professions you work behind a counter and check people's IDs, and if they get too loud you have to kick 'em out. This isn't dissimilar to what I've done. Now instead of fixing computers (the symptom), I get to fix cause of the problem.. the people who break them! Bwahaha.
The bank manager and I also had many good laughs. These are the highlights in my day - to interact with people. Still, its not the same as having contact with people of shared interest.
I find myself reminiscing of spending time at the office back in Maryland, and good times with my friends and family. In my alone time here, I find myself most relieved of the malaise when I drive to Waimea and see the glory of the mountains. The beauty of this land allows me to forget about my small worries, as its enchantment embraces me with its welcome. I feel better each time I leave Kona, and worse when I return.
I have been meaning to restart my meditation practice, as that is a sure way for me to regain from the feelings of loneliness, to the serene state of solitude. The difference between the two states is palpable.
I miss having a house - plants to tend - to have hands on projects. I can't wait to tend the yard at the new house.
Plans for this Weekend...
I put my feet in the ocean for the first time last night and as the waves beat against my feet I felt an energetic shift of my emotions being taken care of. I start work again tomorrow. In a way I look forward to spend my day invested into my technical writing. This weekend I will have to go snorkeling for the first time to experience this coast briefly before I move to the more murky and turbulent waters of the Eastern coast of Hilo. That will be my home base until I take up residence in my new home on the 14th. From there I will be able to visit Pele at her fiery pits and present her with the customary gift of fruit or flowers.
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