I quote from an article on his site: NourishingDestiny.com. I will definitely be buying his book. I find in this my crede:
Water: Will
Fire: Volitionality
Wood: Perspective
Metal: Transparency
Earth: Integrity
1. Only to the degree that a practitioner actually wants to be free more than *anything* else will they be able to liberate the water element in a patient.
2. Only to the degree a practitioner actually IS taking full responsibility for his or her life circumstances having renounced victimization can they liberate the fire element in a patient.
3. Only to the degree that a practitioner is Facing Everything and Avoiding Nothing and has renounced the right to hide *anything* from him or herself can they liberate the wood element in a patient.
4. Only to the degree that a practitioner is transparent (there is nowhere in his or her life they would mind others looking) and has renounced the right to take things personally can they liberate the metal element in a patient.
5. Only to the degree that a practitioner strives toward integrity and expresses gratitude for life through giving from a selfless motive can they liberate the earth element in a patient.
Anything less is collusion and can only help a patient feel more comfortable about who he or she already is. In this context, Chinese medicine is anti-evolutionary, in other words, conservative!
If I set my intention on freedom, more than anything else (water), I will take absolute responsibility for my life circumstances (fire), and be ready to face into whatever I must (wood) hiding nothing from myself, thus revealing that nothing is personal (metal) and that my own liberation is for the integrity of the whole (earth).
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