Sunday, March 13, 2011

11/21/11 – The White Knight of Dream Canyon

Here in dream canyon, even the pine trees – the most metallic of trees that grow in the heights of the world shed their refuse. Their long straight pine needles litter the floor. The beautifully structured pine cones litter the forest in various shades of brown – some washed out and bleached out by the sun over time – a dead gray. The scents are warm like the weather. Slightly humid with a lovely bouquet of pine oil and dried grasses. It is really lovely and warming. The pine trees don’t need much. Their growth is very straightforward, dark and filled with minerals. They can exist up here while others cannot. Life can be a little more austere for the pine trees and they put up quite well. Energetically they leave me feeling hardened, self-reflective, imposing, rigid and unconcerned with what occurs around them, and not particularly friendly.

I came across a stone as I was walking along the path that shone brightly at me, reflecting the sun. I picked it up and examined it. No wonder the Lungs (Metal) are likened to the highest Minister and Chancellor to the Emperor. What became apparent to me is that metal reflects the sun – the heat of the Emperor. It reflects the very spirit of the sunlight – of goodness, joy and love back to the world – so that all are reminded to look to Heaven for the essence. For the Lungs to absorb the essence, they must be empty first and imbue no imprint of their own on what they take in. In the same way, this quartz rock doesn’t reflect its own light or brilliance. It is only in its selfless reflection of the emperor does it serve its purpose. Energetically this feels like pure love, brilliance, and selflessness – the complete giving of the self to a higher and most noble purpose. It’s beautiful, inspiring, touching and enlivening. The light casts the truth into every shadow, revealing its true essence. I’m reminded of the point LU 4, Valiant White, which reawakes in the spirit the essence of valor, purity, and radiance - the very riches of Heaven. The White Knight is impeccable to the core, carries a bright sharp blade that cuts through any veils of illusion and shines truth and light into the darkness. This point gives us the energy to carry on fighting the good fight for the highest good, selflessly and on behalf of the Emperor.

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