I'm exhausted. I went to bed last night at 10 and was wide awake from 3 to 6:30. I had all sorts of things running through my head - surprisingly my Biology final was not one of them. I packed my things, cleaned up the place, signed the guest book and left. I arrived at my new place at 11:30. I made a few calls to transfer over utilities, did some last minute cramming - which turned out to be of no use, and walked to the library.
It turned out that the multiple choice questions were harder than my four essay questions. I finished in just over an hour and a half, and headed out - pleased with myself that the class is over - not so much by the potential grade. Fate and belief in a good grade will decide.
I put up the only decoration of my own I brought with me - a 3 x 8 ft scroll of bamboo. I can't wait for my houseware boxes to arrive so that I can make this place feel a little more like my home.
For now I've unpacked in the master bedroom, set up my wireless router, bought two recycle bins, and watered the garden. Tomorrow I must work. In the evening I'll spend some more time doing an inventory of the house, and making a list of anything else I need. The landlady left a fridge full of food. There are small flotsam and jetsam of daily life throughout the house, and random school supplies like rulers and protractors - from her daughter's days no doubt. She planted several small bushes before she left. She plans to retire here after her work concludes in Boston. The home is immaculate.
Tomorrow night I'm attending an a capella concert of medieval, renaissance, and baroque music at 7:00 pm at performed by the Waimea Consort (http://waimeaconsort.org/) - a group of 12 (though their picture belies the roster which seems to be several years old). The performance is also walking distance from the house.
I found out about them by reading the notices on the library cork board. They are fairly heavily loaded with altos per their roster, so I'm not sure whether adding my counter-tenor voice would throw off of the balance - but if time, schedule, and their recruitment permits, I will consider joining them.
Oddly enough, the director of the Consort is also the Director of the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope - the headquarters of which held the last meeting of West Hawaii Astronomy Club which I attended this week.
I also received a small brochure of local community classes in town. They range from T'ai Chi, to Yoga, professional photography, automotive, Hula, and Hawaiian language and culture courses. This small community seems to offer a vast array of services. I heart was warmed by reading about all the community possibilities.
Thank you Handel for your evening serenade.
Welcome to your new house!
Congratulations! Envy is frolicking throughout our home. We will have to check this out soon. --R & G
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