I've not blogged for a while. Mostly due to work, and an acute toothache that had me in misery for most of the weekend. After spending Sunday morning at the ER, most of the day drugged up, and root canal on Monday, I feel I'm slowly returning to myself today. Preoccupation with the pain has left me very unproductive and unresponsive to life. Friend's offers to come over with pliers, or tying a string to my tooth and the holding the other end while pushing me off during cliff diving kept me fairly reassured that waiting for the Dentist's appointment was a good thing.
My classmate's comments about her noticing of a common theme amongst new comers forced her to conclude the existence of the "Earn Your Spot on the Islands Test".
Quoting Whitney:
"I don't mention it to people before they start having difficulties, in order not to create a self-fulfilling prophesy. So what I've noticed is that everyone seems to undergo a testing phase when they move here. I don't know why... if it is just a culture shock thing, or a Pele's moods thing, or what... but everyone has a story. We are talking "car broken into - all my stuff stolen" (I know of three of those), to "just bought a car, and the engine just exploded (two of those), "lost my ID or wedding ring at the beach" (three of those), "went skinny dipping and someone took all my clothes/hat/belt/wallet/Ipod", "got into a car wreck" (two of those), "can't find a job to save my soul", "broke my toe", "broke my collar bone", "my first place is insect infested," "my car got stuck in the sugarcane field and lost one shoe trying to get it out," "customs won't let my seizure medication come through from my mom in Canada, and I'm having seizures," I've been living in a tent in the jungle and now I have a body-wide fungus." You also aren't the first dental emergency I've heard about. My friend Naya (who lives upstairs), had her front tooth break in half, and couldn't get in to see a dentist for TWO WEEKS...she just kept supergluing it back on.Thank you for your encouraging words, Whitney :)
The good news is, it doesn't last forever. Smooth sailing does set in after a bit. And then the islands even start looking after you."
I can add to that list from Chris' experience. After he moved to his new plot of land, he had the generator stolen. He has now been living by candle light for several weeks and doesn't seem to miss the electricity. He drives into town to eat, and charge his cell phone at the grocery store.
First Day of Productivity after Several Days down...
Through the weekend, I did manage to finish my Chemistry coursework. I'm so thankful this class is over. I take my final on Thursday. Still despite some residual pain, today I did a lot of work today, and also managed to trim the hedges, edge the lawn, drive the trash to the solid waste transfer station, water the garden, and sweep the garage.
To quote the theme of my favorite Australian Soap Opera with former stars such as Natalie Imbruglia, and Kylie Minogue..
"Neeeeeeeighbours, Everybody needs good neeeeeeeighboursWhile outside I met a kid who stopped by to ask if I was the new tenant. After introducing myself and telling him about myself and my roommates he said that his mom's a teacher at TCMCH and that they live in a green house two houses up the road. He then proceeded to tell me about the names of all the other neighbors on the street since he was surprised I hadn't met them yet :)
With a little understaaaaaaanding
You can find the perfect bleeeeeeeeeeeeend
Neeeeeeighbours...should be there for one anooooother
That's when good neeeighbours becoooome goooood frieeeeends
Ooh Neeeeeighbours, should be there for one anoooooother
That's when good neeeighbours becoooome goooood frieeeeends."
One of my roommates arrived in Kona today. She's staying at a hotel with her mom, as they had rented a place before they knew we had a place. My other roommate arrives tomorrow afternoon. All three of them will drive up to the house tomorrow afternoon. It will be great to finally meet everyone :)
1 comment:
Nice blog, nice pictures. Good luck with your island adventures...
-- Elliot
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