Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Officially Hawaiian...

Yes 'Quick' and 'Bureaucracy' in the same sentence...

I'm now officially Hawaiian - perhaps not yet a local, but the state now recognizes me as one of their own. I took Jake's title in to get him registered. I arrived as the DMV opened at 8. It took 5 minutes from the time I walked in the door. I then had to find another building (the pursuit of which took 15 minutes) and less than 40 minutes later, after taking a written test (which I thankfully passed with a score of 27 out of 30) I walked out with my brand new Hawaiian license. The whole process took just over an hour. I couldn't believe it.

I am one of 560 people a year who move to Hawaii from Maryland of the 25,032 who emigrate from the mainland. I'm so glad I found a statistic to belong into.

In pursuit of a Keyring...

I have felt lost without a set of keys since I left my keys in Maryland. I now have a car key, and two PO Box keys to call my own. It has been strange to not have to collect a key chain each time I leave the house. I've not found a keyring which is suitable for Jake, but for now I decided to buy the gaudiest thing I could find just to have the little ring thinge to keep my keys together. Its a Hula girl and her waist moves from side to side hahaha.

In wandering the streets in pursuit of a keyring I saw this great image - the enlightened olive.

Tomorrow I take my Anatomy and Physiology final at Kamuela's Thelma Parker Memorial Library.

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