Thursday, August 21, 2008

The Cloud Demons

The warm winds howl today, seeking to chase out the cloud demons that traverse the sky prowling to engulfing their languid pray - the mountains which darken and cower before the wrath of the rains that seek to break down their resistant up-turned bellies. The cows quietly lay down to await the assault.

Once the drops start to fall the mountains languish a while to examine the nature of the threat, and upon discovering its hidden plenty, bristle their grassy coverings - blades stretching out their arms in a chorus of thankful joy to the life-giving grace bestowed by the mountain shepherds.

As the soils soak up the restitution the cows arise in to once again resume the tending of their pastures' complexion.

The winds finally succeed and chase the cloud demons away. For a while they lose their way in the seas and wander unsure of themselves until the cool of the night conceals their colluding for a repeated assault on the mountains in the next day to come.

These elementals observe not the meanderings of my little life, with its small errands while the sun laughs jubilantly at the entire spectacle.

1 comment:

Andrew Cooper said...

Anyone with a curious nature notices the clouds here, no surprise you have noticed too.

Living in Waimea is living among the clouds. They sweep through the pass between Mauna Kea and Kohala like living beings right over the town. I am endlessly fascinated by the clouds on this island. Every time I step outside or drive from work to home it is a different display of fantastic clouds. This evening was a particularly active and majestic.

I have a half finished article on clouds I have been composing for my own blog, still needs a few more photos, will probably be finished sometime in the next week.

Keep that camera handy! You never know when the light and clouds will create a display that redefines your definition of beautiful.